Monday, August 14, 2006

stuff i did yesterday

Ok, I’ve been told to keep my blogs short cos it’s difficult to process so much stuff without really getting bored. Also I think there was way too much detail in the last posting.

Fai asked me if I was loving Hawaii yet and in all honesty, I really wasn’t. Maybe it’s cos I just had like way too much on my mind. Trying to find a place and all has been rather tough and I thought that school would be easy but I can’t get most of my modules. In fact, the only module I got easily was the theatre module. All the history modules were closed cos they were popular but luckily the history professors were really nice and they said they’d see what they could do to squeeze me into their classes. For lit, which they call English here, the literature of jazz was closed but I kinda felt like taking the one on the history of poetic form instead. The problem with that one was that I could not register for it because I didn’t meet the pre-req so I emailed the guy to tell him that I did and he went to have a check and said I had to see him again on Monday to check it out again. So that’s the module thing.

Next is the housing thing. I was very worried that I might not find a place to stay for the semester and the fears got even worse when I checked out craig’s list which is some sort of an advertising website thing. The places were all way over my budget and they weren’t really near the school at all. So on Saturday, me and Fai and Sheri went to check out a place called Kalo Terrace which is about as near to the uni as sheares is to arts. So the location was good. As for the facilities, they seemed alright. I mean they weren’t up to the nus hall standards but apparently they were pretty high on the UH dorm standard. But I didn’t mind. They have wireless in every room and a tv with cable in the main hall of the apartment and a laundry room with washer and dryer which I don’t think you can cheat (damn). They even have a swimming pool. Ok, in my mind I was thinking like why would you need a pool in Hawaii then I saw some hot European chicks sunbathing at the pool and I became enlightened. I signed up for a room right there and then. Hahaha… well, this was also because Sheri’s sister is in real estate and she said that the price I was getting it for was very decent for the location and I let the Singaporean in me take over cos it was a good deal and WE don’t let good deals go by easily. Ooh, they gave us free pizza too cos it was like their open house that day and the R.A.s were nice. RAs are like block com back home but they get to stay for free cos they take care of everything. Think Block com with twice as much work though.

We then hung out at Jason’s place. Jason is Sheri’s boyfriend. Anyway, he let all of us crash at his place and we waited for Ruth. Ruth came after having a horrible time cos of some asshole who was a total bastard to her when she went to diamond head. When she came, we cruised for a while before we went for dinner at a Japanese restaurant, which served the best miso soup I’ve ever tasted. And the rest of the food there was pretty superb too. I think I’ll never go to Japan now that I know you can get really great stuff in Hawaii too.

Since we’re on the topic of food, let’s talk about Hawaiian food. And if kudus is reading this, no, I’m not just talking about Hawaiian pizza although the pizza we had at Kalo, none of them were Hawaiian come to think about it. Anywho, I’m talking about real Hawaiian food. Poi, which is sort of like a yam paste is the staple for the Hawaiians. It’s bad. Really. I’m not kidding. I stuck my spoon in it and when I took it out I knew I wasn’t in for a treat. It’s cold and sour and icky. Sorry if I have insulted anyone out there but I have one thing to say in my defence. I had it at Poi Bowl at Ala Moana centre so it was bound to suck. This I had been told by Sheri’s friends after I told them that I went there. Everything else though was alright, just a little salty. There was kalua pig, which is just strips of pork in some broth thing and Laulau which is pork cooked with spinach and tea leaves. There was also some salmon thing and chicken long rice which was all pretty ok. And the best part of it was a hapua dessert which is this coconut jelly thing. That was yum.

That was Saturday. I kinda forgot to take more shots of Kalo Terrace but I’ll definitely get a chance to again soon. And I’ll try and get a newspaper report that I’m apparently on as well. Some reporter came and interviewed me and Sheri and Fai about housing in UH or the lack thereof and was asking us questions and taking pictures of us. Cool huh? I might get into the papers in Hawaii before I get into them in Singapore.

Oh, here's a bottle of belgian beer i drank at Ryan's when i went there with Sheri's friends after Ala Moana. They were having a beer fest there and had beer from all over the world. This one that i had was very heavy at about 10.5% alc and was dark with a fruity aftertaste. it was no stella for sure. i'm thinkin about heading off to Ryan's for more before beer fest ends...


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