Friday, August 18, 2006


Hello people,

Well, on Tuesday I went out with Ruth and Fai after orientation. We wanted to go to a club called the Pipeline Café. I thought I was underdressed cos I was wearing boardshorts and slippers but the 2 of them assured me that this is Hawaii and that is the dresscode. They were wrong. I got thrown out of the club. But it’s ok, Ruth got thrown out too cos she didn’t bring her ID.

So we ended up going to Ward to catch a movie. We watched You, Me and Dupree. It was quite interesting cos the first part of the movie was in Hawaii and we were like we need to go to wherever the plane landed cos it was a stunning location. And the movies here are really expensive.

Anyway, yesterday we decided to embark on that all too Singaporean activity, bargain hunting. We went to a collection of outlet stores and spent just way too much money. The problem of outlet shopping in the states is the need to do mental calculations whenever you buy anything, which of course is not good for me considering my allergy to numbers. But some of the things here are mondo cheap man. Well, everything but the food of course.

Let’s see what I bought. I bought 2 pairs of levi’s and a pair of dockers berms and that came out to about $100 Singapore dollars. And one of those was a pair of 501s that costs way more in Levi’s Singapore. I almost bought a pair of Van’s shoes but decided against it after considering how I was going to bring them back home. I also bought a couple of t-shirts. One was for me and the other was something which made me think of Kudus. It read “It’s good to be the king” and had a picture of a guy lounging with people serving him beer. How can someone look at that and not think Kudus?

Then we went to chili’s to eat. Damn was the food there good. The best thing about the meal was something called awesome blossom. It’s just this enormous onion deep fried in batter and served with some sort of sauce. It was the best onion I’ve ever tasted cos it was just so sweet.

Oh, I got a message form my friend Leonard asking me to try krispy kremes. Well, I asked Sheri where the nearest Krispy Kremes was and she said that Hawaii only has 1 in the entire state and it happens to be on Maui. But Leo, rest assured that I will try those super donuts. Now I have even more reason to want to go visit Maui. And no, do not think that’s where Maui and Sons comes from and even if it was, big deal cos I don’t really like their stuff.

I visited Borders here and I almost bought a book called Da Jesus Book. Da Jesus Book is a version of the New Testament written entirely in pidgin, which is like the Hawaiian version of Singlish. It was pretty funny and interesting but I did not buy it because I saw Da Jesus Story which was a CD. I figured this would be better cos now people can actually get to hear what pidgin sounds like. I will definitely bring them down to the Friday Prayer Meets when I get back.

I think that’s all for the moment. I will blog more soon.


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