Saturday, September 16, 2006

sorrowful mystery

Today is the feast of Our Lady of Sorrows. I don’t really like the sound of that. I mean I understand it but it just sounds erm, bad. I’d prefer Our Lady of Faith in the Face of Sorrow. But I’m long winded like that.

Whenever Mary was confronted with sorrow, she responded with faith. Maybe that is something we can all try. When we are feeling sad and dejected, let us have Faith in the Will of God. Let us remember that His wisdom might seem foolishness to man because we lack understanding and what we lack in understanding, we can make up for with Faith.

Faith is committing to our words we pray in the Lord’s Prayer. We need to tell our Father in Heaven that His Will is being done. We do not say that His Will will be done, we say Your Will be done. This is directly echoing Mary’s words at the Conception and Jesus’ words at the Garden of Gethsemane. Interesting when you put those 2 occasions together ya? When Jesus’ life is about to start and when it is about to end. They speak of the idea that His Life comes full circle.

And these are also two points where Faith is seen to be the response to extreme sorrow and confusion. So let us try to respond with faith the next time we are faced with confusion and sorrow in our lives. Let us trust in The Lord and allow Him to work through us.


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