christian fellowship
Today I went for something organised by the campus ministries of UH called Light Up UH. It was a prayer meet comprising all the campus ministries in UH like the Baptist, Episcopal and Catholic Campus Ministries. I think that this is something that I should bring home.
There are many groups in NUS like the Campus Crusade and Varsity Christian Fellowship and the Catholic Students' Society. Wouldn't it be cool if everybody could just come together for one night and pray for the school? God knows we weould need the prayers. I mean we all believe in the same God and so we should all just put our differences aside for one night and just pray for the greater good of our university.
The prayer session was as follows. It began with about half an hour of Praise and Worship followed by a talk by the Lt. Governor of Hawaii who talked about the benefits of prayer to school life. He shared about how a particular high school had benefitted a great deal from having a prayer session in their school. Then we had another short talk by a fellow student about Love, Forgiveness and peace and how if we prayed for these gifts for the university the place would be a better place overall. Next, we were sent out in groups to pray for different parts of the school. These groups were made up of random people and so you got to meet new people. I prayed over the car-park, the law school and the university's tennis courts. Hey, who else is gonna pray for these places if not my group and I?
So yeah, it was a good night and a real educational experience for me. Apparently there were more people at this prayer gathering than there were at last week's Bush Bashing Rally. Yeah, there was an anti-Bush rally held in school last wednesday and so this shows that there are more people here who love God than hate Bush. That's a heckuva lot of people there.
Anyway, I just think that maybe NUS as well as other institutions of educations could use this as an example and have a similar united prayer rally. Just forget our differences like St. Paul urges us to do in the first reading of today and come together to proclaim God's name and make the world a better place by first starting with what's closest to us.
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