Wednesday, November 29, 2006

For Lou...

I know I haven't posted anything since Halloween and there's a good reason for that. I'm lazy...

But today I need to post something because, well, just because...

Today my friend Lou took her life. It is a sad day. At times like these I always ask myself why. And guess what... I don't know why. Stuff just happens that we might never understand. It is unfair but well... nothing, it's just unfair.

I got my stuff from Amazon today and one of the books that I got is Richard Bach's "Messiah's Handbook: Reminders for the Advanced Soul". Several years ago, my friend Maxine recommended a book called "Illusions: The Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah". It was not a Christian book but there were many wise sayings in there that can be applied to life. It was a book that changed my life and I hope I still have it somewhere at home.

Anyway, I picked up the new book and followed the instructions. Think of a question, close your eyes, flip through the pages of the book, stop at one of the pages, then choose, left page or right... I know it's funny but that's what the book really says. And this is the page I came to:

"You're the master of what you've lived,
artisan at what you're living,
amateur at what's next to live."

What does it all mean? Nothing. At the beginning of Messiah's Handbook, there's a disclaimer that's found at the end Illusions too. It says that when the person who "gave" this book to the "author" got killed by an angry mob, he asked himself why such a good man had to die such a senseless death. He flipped through the book and came to a page that said, "Everything is this book may be wrong." And that's it isn't it.

We can never have all the answers, but keep asking the questions anyway. There is no book that can tell you all you want to know or need to know, keep reading anyway. And I can't write anything smart to complete this paragraph but that's just like life. Seldom is there going to be a punchline to end it all. Who cares. Just sit back, enjoy the show and when the end comes... It just ends.

Lou, we'll miss you...

Monday, November 06, 2006


Here a picture of some of the Krazy Kalo people. That's me in the scary mask. And next to me are Jess "the pirate", Mary "the hot little mermaid", Cassius "the classic basketball guy", Ben "the rubber duckie', John "the Karate Kid", Jess "the lady bug", Hassan "the Indian Maharaja" and Kim "the Bumble Bee"...

That's Cheerleader Kristie, Scary Don and Batgirl Lou from Japan...

My housemates Dan and Dick as "undercover Narcotics officers who are corrupt and do whatever they confiscate"...

That's Aaron, "Tom Cruise from Dirty Money", Dan, Hannah "a leopard from down-under", Binh "the Japanese Schoolgirl from Vietnam" and Jenn "Helllloooo Nurse"...

That's me and the kind soul Justin who gave me the burger when I was tailgating last Saturday. He's Zorro, and I don't know who the other guy is. That's what the rest of the pictures are like. I really have no idea who these people are...

Oompa Loompas!!!

Makes you wanna go to heaven don't it? Angels like that make me wanna trade in my horns...

Captain Caveman!!!

Native Hawaiian Soccer Player... Yep, Sweeper...

japanese Bunnies...

Father Time...

Even those in wheelchairs are getting involved in Halloween! This dude is a Nascar Racer! Coolness!!!

With Zeus and Aphrodite...

Two pictures that sort of give you an Idea of how crazy crowded it gets in Waikiki during Halloween... It really was super fun... And I'm bringing back my mask so guys, it's time for some more fun in Central 6...

preparations for halloween

I went for a little fall party last sunday and we played lots of fun games and had lots of good food too. Here are some pictures.

That's me and the pumpkin I helped to carve with my group. My groupmates were Hsinying from Taiwan and Marcus from Washington who is a member of YWAM as well...

Some of the Pumpkins that were carved...

That's Marcus with two guys from Kathmandu Nepal...

A picture of some of the girls at the party. Sumi from Malaysia, Laura from Minnesota (YWAM), Hiromi from Japan, Hsinying, and Ayaka from Japan...

Here's Agustinho from Timor Lieste, Laura and June from Yunnan China carving their pumpkin.

Yup, prep for halloween was fun but halloween it self was way nuts... pictures coming soon...